Have you identified the one thing that is prohibiting you from being completely confident in who you are?
Do you seek validation from others?
Has life’s challenges and past failures completely taken your confidence?
Do you feel guilty for wanting or achieving more?
Do you dumb down your brilliance to appease the insecurities of others?
Are you ready to find the confidence to live a purpose inspired life?
Having a clearly defined purpose and self-awareness coupled with a positive self-description is a powerful strategy for building a positive self-image!
As a self-discoverys coach and strategist, I create transformative ways to leverage your self-awareness into living a life free of self doubt and self sabotage, and full of self-confidence, individuality, authenticity and passion.
Hire Angel to be your personal identity stylist, enroll in a self discovery course and even have her come to speak at your next event.
Hire Angel to be your self-discovery coach, enroll in an online course and even have her come to speak at your next event.
Since my younger days, I discovered a sincere passion for all things REAL- authentic and without fluff. Things of substance, not imitation or artificial. Things that are not imagined or supposed. It was the images of REAL being misused in a catch phrase which gave it no depth, or attempting to represent something that is only imagined, that doused my flame of passion for wanting to be associated with REAL. But, I eventually discovered that being “REAL” is about so much more than being a popular catch phrase. Being real is a way of showing up. It’s how you think. It’s what you believe, It’s how you see yourself and others. It’s how you grace a room. It’s how you treat people that you don’t need. It’s your self-esteem. It’s your character. It’s the love you have for yourself and others. And its what you do now that will make people remember you when you are gone.
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