You are worthy of God’s pursuit to embrace you as his own ADOPTED child


Now is the perfect time to focus on giving YOURSELF the life you desire. Successfully fulfilling your purpose demands a level of spiritual, mental and emotional fitness that can only be obtained by embracing the unconditional love or your TRUE father. This transformative journey is about correcting your view of God, so you can discover not only WHO you are but WHOSE you are.


Every child enters the world with basic needs. The need to be loved, seen, heard, safe, protected, affirmed, accepted, comforted and given attention. Children don’t just want these things they NEED them, to thrive and develop into healthy adults.

In the subconscious mind of every child these needs become questions that I  refer to as “identity questions”. It sounds like this…

  1. Am I safe?
  2. Am I loved?
  3. Am I seen and heard?
  4. Am I accepted and affirmed?
  5. Do I matter?
  6. Am I enough?
  7. Am I getting attention?
  8. Do I have purpose?

How does the child get the questions answered? The child gauges  how the significant people in their life interact and react to them. When the child feels loved and safe, this is a positive interaction that fosters a constructive belief, integral to their self-conception. A negative response leads to the formation of a self-defeating core belief that negatively influences emotions, behaviors, and outcomes. While not necessarily traumatic, this experience with unmet needs can inflict emotional wounds.

Unaddressed wounds, may hinder your life‘s purpose, leading you to diminish your light and accept false beliefs about your true identity. If you’ve encountered childhood traumas, unmet needs, or just experiences that are negatively impacting how you show up, it’s crucial to pursue healing. The good news is there is hope and you are not stuck.

As a transformational coach, I am here to help you reclaim your identity and defeat the traumas that stole it. Together, we will uncover the root causes of your emotional wounds and work through them in a safe and nurturing environment.

Using my 7-step Christ centered healing framework called ADOPTED and other proven techniques and strategies, I will empower you to stop comparing yourself to others, people pleasing, to overcome hyper-independence, upgrade your core beliefs, curb the need for approval, use assertive communication and much more.

This is the start of a new chapter and the REAL you. How exciting!!

Your life is not defined by your past because your ADOPTED father specializes in healing, transformation and restoration.

If you’re ready to shatter the lies that have held you back and rediscover your true identity, schedule a 15 minute complimentary discovery call with me today by clicking HERE

You can also register for the my live, 3 hour ADOPTED workshop Together, we will embark on a journey of healing, transformation, and restoration.

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Being REAL is the realization and acceptance of you are.

Shaping your identity is the pathway of discovering the essence of who you are, why you were born, understanding the impact you have on the world and creating the life that you crave from the inside out.


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